March 10, 2017

The Scribe’s Companion.

Chaetomium globossum is one of the saprophytic microorganisms that possess cellulose-degrading enzymes. Since it is a mould, with branching, tree-like fruiting bodies, it is easily identifiable as a mini-forest growing on surfaces both indoors and outdoors and everywhere. This includes books.
Kingdom: Fungi
Genus: Chaetomium
Species: C. globosum
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And it is not harmless decoration, entire libraries have been contaminated.[1] And, their presence is hard to predict: The spores are held together by mucilage, and usually get trapped inside tiny crevices or hairs. Only once completely dried out or disturbed do they become airborne. This commonly happens during renovations, so they show up when least expected.
The potent mycotoxins produced are a cause for concern: They are known to irritate human skin on touch.
So strong is its ability to destroy material, that it used as a standard for resistance to mould growth.
Good news is that it requires constant moisture levels to grow, so proper ventilation can keep it at bay.[2]

[1] “Presence of Chaetomium in an Indoor Environment: What Are The Implications?” Accessed March 10, 2017.

[2] “Chaetomium Species as Indoor Contaminants.” Accessed March 10, 2017.

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